Greg Miller, MA (ABS), CEC

Greg brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to supporting leaders to bring out the best in their employees. He has an extensive background in working with the public service and non-profit organizations. Greg’s company, Crowflight Consulting Services, specializes in human resources training and consulting in the areas of employee...

Employee Recognition

Employee recognition is the acknowledgement of an individual or team's behavior, effort and accomplishments that support the organization's goals and values. Recognition is not one-size-fits all. Thought needs to go into what would be appreciated by the person being recognized. When you recognize people effectively, you reinforce, with your chosen...

Engagement and Retention

Employee engagement is a measure of the commitment and energy that employees bring to work and is a key indicator of their involvement and dedication to the organization. Employees who are engaged are more productive, content and more likely to be loyal to an organization. When organizations put sound HR...